Natural Remedies to Prevent Sickness

According to the Medill Reports of Northwestern University, herbal supplements are used as some form of primary healthcare for approximately 80% of the world’s population. This is a number that has grown in recent times and we can expect continued growth.

The truth is, we live in a time where people are incredibly aware of their health and yet we also live in a time of growing concern for the potential side effects that modern, Western pharmaceuticals have. If you are looking to increase your overall wellness and prevent sickness with remedies that are both holistic and natural, then you’re in the right place.

Who We Are

Before we get into the remedies; why should you trust us?

We don’t speak lightly when we say that we are the experts. Having had open doors since 1998 and being founded by a pioneer in natural health, we have the experience that you can trust. With our connection to the Naturopathic Institute, we are able to ensure that we always have new experts coming in. These natural remedies are not only ones that our staff of expert doctors will recommend to you, but will also take themselves, as needed.

Artemisia Combination

Our first recommendation is the Artemisia Combination. This is a wonderful herbal blend that is an herbal form of Ivermectin. Some common brands of Ivermectin that you may know are Soolantra, Sklice, and Stromectol. With the Artemisia Combination, you can fight against all kinds of parasites in your body, including viruses.


Also known as the purple coneflower, echinacea is a popular herbal remedy and has been used for centuries with rich ties to a number of tribes including the Cheyenne, Sioux, Dakotas, and more. These tribes used the remedy in a wide variety of ways. This is due to this remedy being great for the immune and respiratory systems and being especially useful against viruses, bacteria, and pneumonia.

Grand Unified Mineral Complex

Grand Unified is a mineral blend. Here are the number of minerals that you will find:

  • Selenomethionine
  • Boron
  • Magnesium
  • Iodine
  • Vitamin C

This blend repairs DNA to prevent damage from pesticides, chemicals, and retro-viruses. Look to this for healing of your brain, heart, prostate, and reproductive organs.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

N-Acetyl Cysteine, or NAC, is an antioxidant that comes from the amino acid L-cysteine. Your body uses this to make a powerful cellular antioxidant called glutathione. This is very useful for mental health and brain function. This is an anti-inflammatory agent and is used to protect the heart, can help balance your blood sugars, protect your liver and kidney, and will help reduce DNA damage.

Nattokinase or Nattozimes Plus

Commonly used to thin blood that is too thick and to break up blood clots, Nattokinase and its alternative, Nattozimes Plus, serve as great protection against a number of issues. Nattokinase is an enzyme that is extracted from nattō, a Japanese food. This can be a tough enzyme to get, so look toward Nattozimes Plus as a more obtainable option.

These will help protect against heart disease, blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks. We suggest using this along with Homeopathic Lachesis.

Probiotics – Probiotic Eleven and the Liquid Multi Blend

According to research from health clinics, probiotics are bacteria that are “friendly” and can actually help fight against bad bacteria in your gut. The gut is an incredibly important area for natural health, as 80% of your immune system is housed there. Having a gut that is healthy is key to respiratory health and immune integrity. That starts with probiotics.

To get your probiotics efficiently and effectively, we suggest Probiotic Eleven and the Liquid Multi Blend. Probiotic Eleven boasts 11 strains of friendly bacteria to create a diverse gut microbiome. In turn, this allows you to easily fight off harmful bacteria.

Hair/Skin/Nail Formulas – HSN-W, or HSN Complex

We recognize that many people have been having stressful times lately. While it can be tough to avoid that stress, there are sadly negative health effects that you will see as a result. Specifically in your hair, skin, and nails. These same health effects are also a result of a lack of Iodine and gut inflammation. No matter what your reason is, we have the perfect formulas for hair, skin, and nail health:

  • HSN-W: With key ingredients of Horsetail Stem and Strobilus, Dulse Fronds, Rosemary Leaves and Sage Leaves, HSN-W takes ingredients that have been cherished by the likes of ancient Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, and Native Americans and turned them into a blend that promises stronger nails, healthier hair, and more supple skin.
  • HSN Complex: In addition to the effects that HSN-W has on your hair, nails, and skin, HSN Complex has an even longer list of ingredients for even more health benefits. The ingredients for this formula include Horsetail Stem and Strobilus, Rosemary Leaves, Hyssop Aerial Parts, Ginkgo Leaves Extract, and Aloe Vera Inner Leaves. This makes for a powerful natural formula that will get you effective results.

For hair, these work in a unique way where they slow down hair loss while giving you the essential nutrients needed to help regrow it.

How to Make Sure You’re Taking the Right Remedies

Just like the Western medicine that so many are used to in the United States, natural remedies also require you to speak with an expert for the best results. Find a naturopathic doctor near you and get a consultation. By speaking with them about what effects you are feeling and what your goals are, they can work with you to come up with an effective natural health plan that will set you up for long-term success.

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