How to Celebrate International Day of Yoga

Special post by Charis Calendar-Suemnick, Certified Natural Health Consultant and Yoga Instructor

International Day of Yoga is celebrated annually on June 21st and aims to raise awareness about the physical, mental and emotional benefits of yoga. The word yoga means “union,” referring to the union of mind, body and soul. Modern research has confirmed many benefits of this ancient practice such as stress relief, increased flexibility, improvements in bone health and circulation, hormone regulation, boosted immune function, increased self-esteem and improved mental health.

Herbs Etc. stocks an array of products to enhance and deepen your yoga practice. As a certified yoga teacher, I often use essential oils before and during class to help calm student’s minds. The amygdala is the part of our brain responsible for adapting to stress and it responds best to our sense of smell. Smelling oils such as frankincense, lavender and chamomile before a yoga practice can reset the body and calm the mind after a busy day. Essentials oils are also effective after class to soothe sore muscles, ligaments and joints. My personal favorite for sore muscles is to apply two drops of peppermint oil mixed with Arnica Gel. Valor and Panaway essential oils are wonderful for pain when used on the spine, knees and neck. Lemongrass is the go-to oil for sore ligaments and tendons.

Zum sprays are another great aromatherapy product found Herbs. These beautiful sprays can be used before, during and after your yoga practice to cultivate positive energy. The lavender-lemon blend promotes peace and calming but is also uplifting. Sandalwood-citrus also uplifts the mood and encourages harmony. Patchouli-orange is great for positive energy and grounding. Tea tree-citrus and lemongrass are a must have for unpleasant aromas such as a well-used yoga mat. Lemongrass also promotes mental clarity. The Zum sprays are convenient, easy to use and will leave you smelling good and smiling!

Our bodies have seven major energy centers that are referred to in yoga as the chakra system. The physical postures in a yoga practice help to align and balance these seven energy centers. Herbs Etc. partners with Carina Eden, founder and creator of Chakra Balancing Gels. These lovely gels are applied to specific energy centers on the body and bring a feeling of harmony and balance. Each gel is a combination of essential oils, homeopathic remedies and Bach flowers that benefit the mind, body and soul. Set up an appointment with me today to see which chakra gel is the best one for deepening your yoga practice.

Charis is a natural health consultant at Herbs Etc. To make an appointment with her, call (989) 773-3636.

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